Loggers in the Deepwoods will testify to our spray keeping off Ticks, Mosquitoes and awful Flies!!
The best selling Repellent sold in the Northwoods!
The EXTREME is formulated more for Adults and the Outdoorsman / Outdoorswoman
It is made up of 7 essential oils
This is our EXTREME formula that fights OFF the Biggest, the Baddest and the Worst Mosquitoes, Green Headed Flies, and more!!!
Repels Mosquitoes, No SeeUms, Ticks, Gnats, Horseflies, etc.
Comes in a 8 oz spray bottle repellent.
We live up in the Northwoods of Wisconsin where the bugs are big enough to carry you away! Our Spray is the #1 Bug Repellent DEET FREE that is selling up here in our busy resort Northwoods :) Yay!!
******We found it works better than OFF and WOW you guys are the talk of the town!!
******Smells really nice feels great on; not greasy at all!! Totally Recommended!!
******Great buy and I was surprised at how pleasant the product smelled. I could go into work wearing this stuff. I'll keep one in my car at all times! Love that with essential oils you don't have to worry about leaving it in the car.
Essential Oils are Lemon Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Citronella, Peppermint, & Lemongrass
If you have a family you should NEVER use DEET.
78% of Deet gets into the skin and 38% gets into the BLOODSTREAM!
Cancer Rate for children is up to 30%. That should NEVER BE!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.